17 April 2009

Public ownership and a small audit of Australia Post

In passing through a country town recently I thought about who actually owns Australia Post. As it turns out, I have a small share. As does every other Australian citizen, as it's a public company. It's a wonderful business, providing a solid postal delivery service and employing many Australians.
In 2002 , Australia Post made a declared Profit of $297 million. So I'm thinking as a minor shareholder - actually, equal shareholder to everyone else who's an Australian citizen - I should be able to find out how much Australia Post makes and where exactly that money goes. So over the next few months you will be able to trace my progress in chasing the money trail - and hopefully not chasing my tail! :-)

03 April 2009

China and mineral wealth

China has started putting more pressure on to aquire ownership stakes in Australian mineral resources. At a time when demand (in China) for these resources has fallen, obviously Chinese aims to aquire are based on the notion that the lull in demand won't last. So buy up while prices are low due to the financial crisis. It's really perfect timing for State-Owned Chinese companies to move in.

Australia has a lot to lose of course in losing ownership in it's own mineral wealth...