01 May 2008

A Sic Country for Old Men: AWB Officers get it eventually

Largely left for investigators to follow-up, the torrid affair of the Australian Govenment run Australian Wheet Board's funding of Saddam Hussein's regime is back in the news.
(The Age. May 1, Business Day pp1 & 4)


It looks like Trevor Flugge and Andrew Lindberg will get their day in court after all. With any luck the Australian Federal Police will eventually work their way through the documents that lead to Alexander Downer and other Liberal Party former heavy-weights.

I always took a dim view of a government funding a dictator and then saying, "He's no good." It turned out that the only weapons Saddam had, were the ones we funded to the tune of $300 million, that wound up being aimed at our own troups.

Sadly though, I must point out that this is only coming out now because of ASIC's coercive powers - as stipulated under the ASIC act, section 19. Due to Australia's lack of civil rights, or a bill of rights, the individual can be coerced to give evidence. Not to the police, or federal police but to ASIC. I'm wondering how this can be justified.

I'd rather say this happened because the Attorney General had a gut full of corrupt behaviour within his own party and laid charges of either incompetance, or under the then new terrorism laws, funding a terrorist organisation (Saddam's party) but this was not to be. I'd like to say the Federal Police were on the ball with this.. and maybe with ASIC they have a way through the political mess to bring some people to account. It should have happened years ago.

The larger question is... will Trevor and Andrew follow up on their promise of dobbing in their old political masters and bringing them all down?
Some would say that the Liberal Party couldn't get much lower right now, however I feel that some old polies have yet to reach the rock-bottom that matched they're ethical standards of the day.

Lastly I see the old prosecutor of Guantanamo has fessed up that ol' Hicks wasn't the big fry that Howard and company said he was. No kidding!

Waddaya know, two of the Howard Governments most shameful actions highlighted in newspapers this week. Their must be a Labor man in the house.

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