16 August 2009

Discent silenced and how dictators come to power

I recently heard a broadcast of Christopher Hitchens on ABC Radio National, in which he described to great effect the take over by Saddam Hussein of the Baath political party and consequently Iraq. It was a description that sat un-easily with me. You can see vision of Christopher Hitchens delivering this speach here.
It was an image that sat uncomfortably with me because it was so horrific, as was the description he gave for each of the lands referred to as the Axis of Evil. Also because I, as many in the comfy confines of Australia, marched against the roll America (and the UK and Australia) was taking in Iraq. To us there was no difference between Saddam and what Robert Mugabe was doing in Zimbabwe. In fact, we thought life was considerably better in Iraq than in Zimbabwe. A life in either country (at their worst) would be no life at all.

One day, I hope the world will be rid of such individuals who would use the state against it's own people; who would not seek to serve, but to repress the will and the souls of individuals. Until then I hope to see and hear more.. know more about how people in other countries live and to ensure that Australia doesn't follow blindly the rules of law introduced to silence discent in other countries.


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